As if it weren't difficult enough to get through a Swiss winter in case you aren't a skiing, snowboarding, snowshoeing, luging (or some other such sporting activity involving insanely uncomfortable sports gear and launching yourself from a great height) enthusiast, it turns out to be the worst winter in the northern hemisphere in decades. I've chosen the sensible option and chosen to deal with this by staying home, having stocked up on DVD box sets and chocolate enough to last me a few months.
Let's begin with my favorite genre, romantic comedy. The genre has witnessed a revival of sorts this year, just as it looked like it had doomed itself forever to the tastelessness of Will Farrell and the glibness of Matthew Mcconoughey (Death to the Chick Flick). Here then are my picks for the must watch romantic comedies of this decade.
2007 - Waitress - Jenna (Keri Russell), plays a waitress who is pregnant, stuck in a dead end town and trapped in an abusive marriage. She dreams of baking pies and escaping the grim reality of her life. While this hardly sounds like romcom material, writer Adrianne Shelley great script raises the movie above just another American small town flick.
2009 - 500 days of Summer - Tom (Joseph Gordon Levitt), meets Summer (Zooey Deschanel) at work, and finds himself to be irresistibly attracted to her. The film jumps backwards and forwards through time, engaging the viewer into this sharply told love story.After a mostly dismal 2007 and defunct 2008, this film has (hopefully), injected fresh life into this genre. It has won most Indie film awards this year and has recently been nominated for the Golden Globes 2009.
I LOVE the Before Sunrise/Sunset movies. LOVE LOVE them.
Totally agree! I can watch them over and over.
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