Thursday, February 4, 2010

Gypped in Geneva

So I'm getting out of a meeting at one of Geneva's most prestigious hotels - The President Wilson, last evening, when I got robbed.

It was a slick operation. I am an easy target, both arms full, distracted, as I finish a phone call getting into my car. A man knocks at my window and signals to my tyres. "The wheel's out of alignment, be careful driving," he says, in French. Alarmed, I step out of my car and look cluelessly at my back tyre. Unable to perceive anything wrong, I drive off to the restaurant where we are having dinner. 

It was only as I was getting out of my car at the restaurant that I realised that I didn't have my bag. My first instinct was that I'd left it at the hotel. A frantic dash back and search at the hotel and the parking lot revealed that this wasn't the case. Either the guy himself, or an accomplice had somehow managed to get the bag out of the car, while I was out looking at the tyres. 

Our suspicions were borne out, when we are told at the visa processing office that we were the 19th case of stolen permits reported in the last couple of months. Rumor has it that Geneva has apparently been invaded by a gang of purse snatchers from Lyon.

Meanwhile I'm kicking myself mentally for not being alert enough. Luckily, the most valuable thing in my purse was my permit, and some loose change.

So keep an eye out people, in case you're in the same situation, remember to watch your purse!


Kathy said...

Bummer! I think it's easy to get lulled into a false sense of security here in the CH. I know I probably wouldn't get out of the car alone in a US city just because some strange man is volunteering information about my wheel. But here...?

Wide Eyed Gypsy said...

Yeah, I guess I got lulled into complacency, Geneva can be so much like a small town at times! Never again.

Chantal said...

Sorry to hear that. Glad you we're hurt. We had a backpack stole at the Baden pool. And I love how the Swiss blame the crime on the foreigners.

Wide Eyed Gypsy said...

Yeah, when we told a few Swiss people about the incident, they almost took it personally. "There are no theives in Switzerland," was the stock response.

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